My main target group can be you active in the labour market and who wants to invest in yourself through professional career guidance.
You want to get ahead in your career and working life and need support to create goals and a vision to get there
You want to change the direction or focus of your work but don't really know to what
You no longer enjoy your current work position and want to do something else
You can't have the same job anymore because of a insufficient work environment or something else that doesn't work for you
You want to achieve a better work/life balance
You want to change your current profession and find an education but are unsure of the options
You want to raise your salary and need strategies to do so
You are interested in starting your own business and are not sure on the if and how
During the career guiding sessions different parts of your life will be highlighted where you decide what you want to focus most on. You don't need to know exactly what you want to talk about, but we will figure out a lot during the free of charge preparatory telephone or video call, but also during the booked career guidance sessions and through different questions and exercises.
3 x Career guidance sessions + exercises
This offer includes 3 career guidance sessions and exercises in between the sessions
1 x Career guidance session + exercises
This offer includes 1 career guidance session and exercises to continue to work with
1 x Digital course in Career guidance & Life design
This offer includes a prerecorded digital course in career guidance and life design with focus on four themes:
My current situation, My vision, My inner child and My way forward
This includes a total of 1h career guidance + a workbook
The process to CAREER GUIDANCE- one scenario
- Current situation: You struggle at work and are unhappy due to various issues and it´ s effecting your life and your mental or fysical health in a negative way.
- You talk to friends, family or other you trust but it´ s not enough. You need something more.
- You are looking online to see how others cope with similar situations.
- You find that there are professionell career advisors and coaches and you might be open to try that.
- You contact me through mail and ask what kind of service I offer. I show you this web page and answer that If you want to book a free of charge telephone or video call we can see if my services can help you.
- After the call you realize you want to give it a chance. You want to invest in yourself to solve your situation and be more satisfied with your work situation.
- You decide to book the package with 3 coaching sessions and you get the digital course included.
- You have three months to have the three coaching sessions and we make a time plan. You pay before the first session.
- RESULT: After the three coaching sessions you see a change in you. You realize there are options. You realize you have a lot to offer and maybe you want to change your workplace, or start an education. You seem happier and more confident and you have done some changes in your life already.